Library displays encourage patrons to check out titles they might not be drawn to. Each month, creative displays are created in both fiction and nonfiction to showcase various topics, themes, and genres.
CRPL November 2018
CRPL December 2018
PPL March 2018
Fiction book display. PPL October 2017.
Nonfiction book display. PPL November 2017.
Nonfiction book display. PPL November 2017.
Teen activism is a contemporary issue gaining national attention in wake of the Parkland, FL school shooting. Teens are standing up for issues such as immigration, mental health, sexual misconduct, racism, gun control, and more. This display features fiction and nonfiction titles that address these issues. The goal of these titles is to spark conversation on difficult issues.
As a teen librarian, teen activism is important to me because it shows my teenagers that they are truly capable of change. I believe it is important for the library to be a place to foster these conversations and offer support.